Twitterkaos för Ayumi Hamasaki
2011-09-17, 14:49:57 / Kategori: J-Pop Nyheter
Igår kväll skulle Ayumi Hamasaki egentligen ha uppträtt på gårdagens "Music Station 25 Anniversary Special" men fick ställa in kort inpå programmets start. Det som hände var att Hamasaki har varit i New York senaste veckan och fotograferats inför 2012 års kalender. Med dåligt väder som kom blev fotograferingsdagarna lite försenade. Dessutom i New York har det varit fashion week och 10 år sedan 9/11 vilket gjorde det svårt för Ayus personal att finna biljetter ut från landet.
Bilder Ayu själv la upp på sin twitter~
Inte nog det detta så blev Ayu ordentligt sjuk under hennes sista dagar i NY som ledde till att svimmade. Hon har skrivit i sin privata blogg på TA att hon nu mår bra men hälsan satte definitivt stopp för en eventuell hemresa. Ayu skrev en ursäkt på sin TA hemsida (TA är stängt för betalande medlemmar) till sina fans för att hon inte kunde dyka upp till den planerande Music Station.
Själviska som endel fans kan bli i sin besvikelse att deras favoritartist inte dyker upp fick hon ganska hård kritik på twitter som hon svarade på. Bland annat fick hon kommentarer som:
ayu: Last-minute cancellations and inevitability are 2 different things.
Ayun17Branko: What is the meaning of being in NY during this time period? Why didn’t you guys book flight tickets when you first realized the photoshoot will be postponed? Couldn’t you have come back first, then return to NY again after MSta? Do you know how many people are looking forward to MSta tomorrow?
ayu: Of course, we tried to book tickets. But my staff somehow mixed up the timings by one hour, so we couldn’t get a flight for all of us. And that flight which we missed was the only flight available. That was the start of this whole saga. “Do you know how many people are looking forward to MSta tomorrow?” There is no reason for me not to know.
ayu: Of course, we tried to book tickets. But my staff somehow mixed up the timings by one hour, so we couldn’t get a flight for all of us. And that flight which we missed was the only flight available. That was the start of this whole saga. “Do you know how many people are looking forward to MSta tomorrow?” There is no reason for me not to know.
midoshi21: “Last-minute cancellations and inevitability are 2 different things.” I don’t agree with this… No matter which way I look at it, this management problem was due to a miss of ayu’s self-management. I think you need to acknowledge that… If you knew you may not be able to come back, couldn’t you have negotiated to do a live feed performance from the US?
ayu: What do you mean by “a miss of ayu’s self-management”? Negotiate a live feed performance? I can’t do that, all the timings and stuff for that will have to come from TV Asahi.
ayu: What do you mean by “a miss of ayu’s self-management”? Negotiate a live feed performance? I can’t do that, all the timings and stuff for that will have to come from TV Asahi.
Ayun17Branko: I don’t know too (´Д` ) It’s vexing because I like you so much and I wanted to meet you. That’s why I said such harsh words. Even though ayu-chan is not a bad person, what is happening now is reality. Don’t say things like “inevitable” and try to run away. Please explain it properly, we’ll understand.
ayu: I’m not running away. If I was running away, I would have left everything to the company to handle, and not be running around airports myself trying to get a flight.
ayu: I’m not running away. If I was running away, I would have left everything to the company to handle, and not be running around airports myself trying to get a flight.
De var rätt hårda mot henne och imponerande nog försöker hon svara på dem. Efter ett tag såg hennes mottagna twittermeddelanden äntligen lite annorlunda ut!
marinnko07: Those who aren’t fans will probably think you did a last-minute cancellation (゚〜゚ But I want you to take care of yourself first for now (cries)
Yocchan__ayu: Whatever happens, just take a rest. No matter what happens, ayu-chan’s health needs to be perfect!
ayu: Well, I can’t help what others think of me. We have given it our all and tried our best.
Yocchan__ayu: Whatever happens, just take a rest. No matter what happens, ayu-chan’s health needs to be perfect!
ayu: Well, I can’t help what others think of me. We have given it our all and tried our best.
ayu69maki: I feel that there is no need for you to explain yourself on Twitter this time. Though non-TA fans and overseas fans can see what you’ve written, people who hate ayu will see it too. That will become more knife-like words which will hurt ayu, I don’t want to see that (;_
ayu: Because I have Twitter, I think I may have to do so. People often don’t know the sharpness of their knife-like words, they just type and press send. This easily leads to many people getting caught up in the mess.
ayu: Because I have Twitter, I think I may have to do so. People often don’t know the sharpness of their knife-like words, they just type and press send. This easily leads to many people getting caught up in the mess.
ayu_glay_aaa: ayu has always been the one supporting me. So at this critical time now, can useless me become ayu’s support? (´;ω;`)
ayu: You are (*^^*)
ayu: You are (*^^*)
leeo0x0olee: Because there’s so little TV performances this time, all the more that everyone is looking forward to this… Even though there may be a last-minute cancellation, I’ll accept it
ayu: I’m used to it, so its ok (*^^*)
ayu: I’m used to it, so its ok (*^^*)
mametan_love07: No matter how many days it takes, as long as ayu and staff get back to Japan safe, that’ll be enough (*^^*)
ayu: Thank you (*^^*) But we won’t give up, and will stick with it till the very last moment ☆
ayu: Thank you (*^^*) But we won’t give up, and will stick with it till the very last moment ☆
xA_A_Nx: ayu is always the one apologizing. I want to say sorry too.
ayu: Because I am the troupe leader baby (`_´)ゞ *sparkle*
ayu: Because I am the troupe leader baby (`_´)ゞ *sparkle*
Papaz_kawanishi: How can you be so sincere? Where do you get the strength to express yourself?
ayu: This is the only way of living that I know~
ayu: This is the only way of living that I know~