Koda Kumi ställer in sin kommande turné
2011-12-20, 11:22:00 / Kategori: J-Pop Nyheter
Koda Kumi lämnade igår ännu ett nytt meddelande på sin officiella hemsida. Där meddelar hon sina fans att i och med hennes graviditet så ställs nästa års turné ner. Denna turné skulle vara det kommande albumet JAPONESQUEs turné och Koda Kumi meddelar att hon vill vara i toppform när detta albums turné framträds eftersom hon har lagt ner så mycket kärlek på det. Hon påpekar även att hon är rädd att graviditeten kommer göra henne för tjock för att kunna komma i scenkläderna vilket hon definitivt vill göra till sitt älskade albums turné.
Hon ursäktar sig till sina fans och berättar vidare att hon planerar att ha en konsert (Birthday Anniversary Live) när hon fyller 30 år hösten 2012. I och med att hon inte får träffa sina fans under den årliga turnén förklarar hon att denna konsert är till för att hon vill träffa sina fans så fort hon bara kan!
Översättning av natalie
“‘JAPONESQUE’ is an album filled with songs I made with love. With that, I had so many ideas to surprise everyone for next year’s tour.
However, I’m very sorry that because of my condition, I won’t be able to give a 100% performance. And so, I have decided to cancel next year’s tour.
To everyone who was looking forward to the tour, I’m very sorry.
I don’t think this will make up for the tour, but I want to see everyone as soon as possible, so I will be holding my first Birthday Anniversary Live in fall of 2012. At that time, I will turn 30, and it’s a day I feel I should celebrate, so I will be happy if I can welcome it with everybody. I’m worried that I won’t be able to fit into my costume since it will be after childbirth, but please watch over me warmly.
When the details have been determined, we will report it to everyone as soon as possible.
After safely giving birth, I’m looking forward to the day I will get to see everyone.
With all my love.“
“‘JAPONESQUE’ is an album filled with songs I made with love. With that, I had so many ideas to surprise everyone for next year’s tour.
However, I’m very sorry that because of my condition, I won’t be able to give a 100% performance. And so, I have decided to cancel next year’s tour.
To everyone who was looking forward to the tour, I’m very sorry.
I don’t think this will make up for the tour, but I want to see everyone as soon as possible, so I will be holding my first Birthday Anniversary Live in fall of 2012. At that time, I will turn 30, and it’s a day I feel I should celebrate, so I will be happy if I can welcome it with everybody. I’m worried that I won’t be able to fit into my costume since it will be after childbirth, but please watch over me warmly.
When the details have been determined, we will report it to everyone as soon as possible.
After safely giving birth, I’m looking forward to the day I will get to see everyone.
With all my love.
Koda Kumi“