AKB48 röstning och auditions
Totala antalet röster var 1,166,145, detta är en stor skillnad mot andra årets omröstning som bara hade 380,000 röster. Detta visar tydligt hur populära dessa tjejgrupper har blivit under 2010-2011.
Här kommer top 12 med kommentarer från tjejerna.
1. Maeda Atsuko – Team A – 139892 Votes – “I’m truly happy. I’m so grateful for all the cheering and support I’ve received.”
Media Senbatsu
2. Oshima Yuko – Team K – 122843 Votes – “I heard so many things, but for us your love is in votes. Thank you for all the love.”
3. Kashiwagi Yuki – Team B – 74252 Votes – “Third place… wow. Looking at the members around me doing their best, I feel like I need to be more ambitious.”
4. Shinoda Mariko – Team A – 60539 Votes – “I was incredibly nervous, but I’m so happy to be supported by this many people. Thank you.”
5. Watanabe Mayu – Team B – 59118 Votes – “I’ve been listening to the cheers of my fans, and now they’ve reached my heart.”
6. Kojima Haruna – Team A – 52920 Votes – “Really, thank you!”
7. Takahashi Minami – Team A – 52790 Votes – “My votes increased, and I hope I can take another step forward.”
8. Itano Tomomi – Team K – 50403 Votes – “Last year, I was really happy about being in fourth place. My rank went down to eighth this year, but… I want to do my best.”
9. Sashihara Rino – Team A – 45227 Votes – “Really, thank you so much. Last year, I was 19th, and I didn’t think I would make it into the media senbatsu.”
10. Matsui Rena – Team S – 36929 Votes – “Everyone, please cheer me on after this. Thank you.”
11. Miyazawa Sae – Team K – 33500 Votes – “Last year I was at the incredible rank of ninth place. I’ve already spent time looking back at last year, and I hope to look forward with a level head now.”
12. Takajo Aki – Team A – 31009 Votes – “Since I was thirteen last year, I was aiming to raise my rank by one, and I’m really happy I was able to do that.”
AKB48 har även annonserat att de kommer att hålla nya audutions för tjejer som vill komma med. Det blir deras trettonde audition och deras senaste hade de i februari då de tog in nio nya tjejer.

Goddag! vad kul dina inlägg är! lär definitivt läsa dina poster igen! =) Ha en rolig helg ;)

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