Juyeon (AFTERSCHOOL) akut in på sjukhus
2011-11-24, 14:32:00 / Kategori: J-Pop Nyheter
Efter att ha uppträtt på en repetition inför Korean Arts Awards Show (대한민국예술상) togs hon in på sjukhus. Det visade sig att hon hade drabbats av akut njurinflammation och var tvungen att stanna på sjukhuset. Juyeon ska nu fortfarande ligga på sjukhuset för att vila.
Här nedan är en artikel om händelsen. Översatt av energywenkahi.
After School Juyeon admitted into hospital suddenly.
With Japan new album preparations (DIVA single) and drama preparations, acting classes on her busy schedule, on the 21st, Juyeon was admitted into the hospital after the rehearsal for the Korean Arts Awards Show (대한민국예술상).
After the checks at the hospital, it was found that Juyeon has acute nephritis and has to be admitted into hospital immediately. She’s resting in the hospital at the moment.
Pledis says “Juyeon is currently stopping her activities for a while and accepting treatments depending on the doctor’s advice. She’s taking simple medications and lots of rest.”
Avex, their Japanese label says ” Although there are activities for After School at the end of November, the artistes’ health is more important and so compared to the activities, to let her rest is more important. It will depend on the doctor’s advice if Juyeon can take part in the activities.”
After School will release their 2nd single “Diva” on November 23rd and Juyeon will only join the activities when she’s fully recovered.
After School Juyeon admitted into hospital suddenly.
With Japan new album preparations (DIVA single) and drama preparations, acting classes on her busy schedule, on the 21st, Juyeon was admitted into the hospital after the rehearsal for the Korean Arts Awards Show (대한민국예술상).
After the checks at the hospital, it was found that Juyeon has acute nephritis and has to be admitted into hospital immediately. She’s resting in the hospital at the moment.
Pledis says “Juyeon is currently stopping her activities for a while and accepting treatments depending on the doctor’s advice. She’s taking simple medications and lots of rest.”
Avex, their Japanese label says ” Although there are activities for After School at the end of November, the artistes’ health is more important and so compared to the activities, to let her rest is more important. It will depend on the doctor’s advice if Juyeon can take part in the activities.”
After School will release their 2nd single “Diva” on November 23rd and Juyeon will only join the activities when she’s fully recovered.
Usch så tråkigt! Men fint att hon får stöd från sitt japanska bolag Avex. Hoppas hon blir bättre snart!