Nishino Kana - Tatoe donna ni Live + Översättning
2011-10-17, 17:02:00 / Kategori: Översättningar
Som rapporterat håller Nishino Kana på att släppa en ny singel med titeln "Tatoe donna ni".

Nu har ett liveframträdande med den nya låten från Kanas sommarturné "Kanayan Summer Tour 2011" blivit uppladdad på YouTube. Passa på att se och lyssna på låten redan nu.
Jag ska inte skvallra för mycket om låten innan ni själva har hört den men jag kan berätta att jag är helt förälskad. ♥
Dessutom har eldsjälen tenshi no hane översatt låten till engelska. En jättefin text så jag tycker alla borde ta sig tid en stund och läsa texten!
たとえ どんなに…
No matter how...
Today was a bad day
I feel sad no matter who I talk to
Hey, I wonder if you
Would’ve gently listened to me?
I take my usual way back home
But why does it feel so far?
Hey, if you were here with me
Would I have arrived in a second?
If I had been able to say “I’m sorry” after every fight
Would you still be smiling at me?
I abused your kindness
If only I had been honest back then...
No matter how strongly I wish
You won’t come back
You’re far away and I can no longer see you
But I continue to love you
The happiness you gave me
Will forever shine in my heart
I won’t forget you
I believe my voice will
Reach you someday
I still suddenly feel like listening
To that song you told me about
It makes me feel as if you’re
Close to me, if only for a little
If I had swallowed all my anxieties
Would you still be by my side?
I shouldn't have been so selfish
If only I could erase the words I said back then...
No matter how strongly I wish
You won’t come back
You’re far away and I can no longer see you
But I continue to love you
The happiness you gave me
Will forever shine in my heart
I won’t forget you
I believe my voice will
Reach you someday
Why can’t I love honestly?
Why does my heart move further away the more I love you?
No matter how strongly I wish
You won’t come back
You’re far away and I can no longer see you
But I continue to love you
The happiness you gave me
Will forever shine in my heart
I won’t forget you
I believe my voice will
Reach you someday
Today was a bad day
I feel sad no matter who I talk to
Hey, I wonder if you
Would’ve gently listened to me?
I take my usual way back home
But why does it feel so far?
Hey, if you were here with me
Would I have arrived in a second?
If I had been able to say “I’m sorry” after every fight
Would you still be smiling at me?
I abused your kindness
If only I had been honest back then...
No matter how strongly I wish
You won’t come back
You’re far away and I can no longer see you
But I continue to love you
The happiness you gave me
Will forever shine in my heart
I won’t forget you
I believe my voice will
Reach you someday
I still suddenly feel like listening
To that song you told me about
It makes me feel as if you’re
Close to me, if only for a little
If I had swallowed all my anxieties
Would you still be by my side?
I shouldn't have been so selfish
If only I could erase the words I said back then...
No matter how strongly I wish
You won’t come back
You’re far away and I can no longer see you
But I continue to love you
The happiness you gave me
Will forever shine in my heart
I won’t forget you
I believe my voice will
Reach you someday
Why can’t I love honestly?
Why does my heart move further away the more I love you?
No matter how strongly I wish
You won’t come back
You’re far away and I can no longer see you
But I continue to love you
The happiness you gave me
Will forever shine in my heart
I won’t forget you
I believe my voice will
Reach you someday