Yokai Ningen Bem intro sjungs av skådespelarna

2011-10-12, 08:13:00 / Kategori: J-Pop Nyheter

Tidigare har vi skrivit om hur KAT-TUN kommer att göra tema-låten till detta drama. Nu har det kommit fram ytterligare information om musiken till detta drama. Intro-låten kommer att sjungas av skådespelarna själva och det kommer att vara en ny version på den gamla animens intro-låt. Kamenashi (som spelar "Bem"), Anne (som spelar "Bera"), och Suzuki Fuku (som spelar "Berro") kommer tillsammans att väcka liv i den gamla låten och såhär säger de om detta:

Kamenashi "Though it will have different type of voice and melody from the original, I think that adults might feel some nostalgia. It’s a song where children could have new feelings."

Anne "Since we all have different type of voices, I could not imagine how it would sound when our voices are mixed together, but it sounded great. Kamenashi-kun’s voice was something I have never heard before. Anyway, it became a cool song."

Fuku "I was happy to be able to participate in the song. Since Berro is a cheerful boy, I tried to say ‘Berro~!’ lively, and I also tried to sing with the feeling of ‘I wanna be a human’."
Dramat startar 22 oktober.

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